Wedding Yarra Valley Tips:
How to write your own vows
One of the most exciting parts of the wedding ceremony other than the anticipated actual “I dos” would be the wedding vows. Some are overly dramatic, while others are hilarious for words, but everyone would definitely like to hear them out anyway.
Saying them in front of a crowd is quite formidable, but it is all worth it because you could finally have that grand declaration in front of everyone how much your partner, the love of your life, matter to you the most.
No need for perfect, flawless and impressive vocabulary; as long as you have your heart to guide you, it will be a good one. But if you still have “nervous Nelly” episodes while trying to come up with a good one, here are pointers on how you ought to write your own vows:
- Write, write and write – have you ever seen someone who writes? Have you seen them constantly jotting down something on their phone, tablet or even notebook? When certain ideas pop up, they would likely keep any of this stuff handy, so they could write anytime and anywhere. Do the same and save it for later; you might have something you can pull out from your notes when composing and concluding the vow.
- Be authentically ready to pour your heart out – some find it helpful to have an outline that is actually prescribed, but not to the extent of being super mechanical, predictable. You can be candid – what about how you felt when you met your future husband or wife; you can share how long you have waited to meet him or her, how deeply you adore him or her. Let the words be genuine enough to tell everyone that this is the person you are choosing over a hundred or thousand others, and you are fearlessly ready to jump into the great unknown with him or her.
- Take time – do not stuff everything like every thought you want to say in a few minutes of rushing to make the vow. Allot a week, two or three if needed before the wedding day. Remember that you will read and share this with many people –practice enunciation and pronunciation too. Know when to pause, what emotions could give justice to it.
- Have it Checked –edited- though we are not about perfect grammar, it still pays to have it edited and proofread so that you will be confident to deliver it.
- Do not promise for some things that are so grand – there are no perfect relations and people, but your vow should reflect sincere willingness to stick it out with each other through whatever comes, what may.
- Bare your soul – do not forget “ I love you” that is exactly the point why one is making the vow, out of love and voluntary wanting and aching to share one’s life with the significant other.
However, even if there are guidelines to write one’s own vows, one must keep in mind that beyond this, no matter what the future holds and whatever challenges are hurled onto one’s path, marriage is forever.
Cheesy as it may sound, but after the wedding, there might be instances that one fails to be more loving than usual, and nothing always stays the same. But for it to last long, in the days, weeks, months and years to come, live by it and always make it a point to hold on and fulfil your wedding vow.
Wedding Yarra Valley Tips: How To Write Your Own Vows blog by Yarra Valley Wedding DJ
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